Third Cycle Programmes (Doctorate Degree)

Graduate School of Social Sciences - Business Administration - Management and Organization Studies - Yüksek Lisans Derecesi ile Doktora Programı

General Description

Management and Organization Studies Ph.D. Program, is provided in affiliation with Ege University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Business

Ph.D degree

4 Year, 8 Semesters

240 ECTS


Third Cycle

The acceptance procedure is explained in detail in Ege University Regulations for Graduate Education (

The terms about general arrangements for recognition of prior learning is explained under the title of “General Arrangements for Recognition of Prior Learning” in Ege University Information Package ( Besides the rules are given in Ege University Regulations for Graduate Education (

The purpose of the Ph.D. program is to provide the student with the required competences to make independent research, to interpret the scientific incidents by investigating them with a wide and deep point of view and reaching new synthesis. Ph.D. program; a) is composed of 300 ECTS with 14 courses at least, of which is not less than 42 local credits, expertise field course, proficiency examination and thesis for the students who are accepted as having undergraduate degree. b) is composed of 240 ECTS with 7 courses at least, of which is not less than 21 local credits, expertise field course, proficiency examination and thesis for the students who are accepted as having graduate degree. The courses can be chosen among the courses that are being given in other higer education institutions, with the deparment council’s suggestion and the approval of the institute board. Student can take at most three courses from the other higher education instution. Undergraduate courses does not count fort he course load and Ph.D. credit. Terms for proficiency for graduation comprises of completing all the courses successfully having 2.50 GPA (Grade Point Average) over 4.00 and completing the thesis successfully.

Purpose of the program is to help students to improve themselves in management and organization field, and develop a flexible mindset as academicians in universities.

Our graduates can be employed both in public and private sector at different positions. Besides they can take the opportunity of developing their career in academic arena.

Ph. D. program is the highest degree; graduates can apply for academic positions in local or foreign universities in the same or similar fields; or for expert positions in the research centers in public instutions.

The measurement and evaluation of a course is made based on mid-term exam, other within semester course educational activities if any, final exam and make-up exam if it exists. The contribution percentage of within semester educational activities and final examination to final grade is determined by the instructor prior to the registration week and announced to the students in the first week of the semester. The contribution percentage of within semester activities is supposed to be between 40%-70 and contribution percentage of final and make-up exams are supposed to be between 60%-30.

Graduation requirements are explained in the section “Qualification Requirements and Regulations” .

Full Time

Key Learning Outcomes

1 To be able to use advanced theoretical and practical knowledge gained in the field of management and organization
2 To be able to develop mastery in research methodology and skills in the field of management and organization
3 To be able to design, implement, and lead the research process and interpret data by employing a scientific perspective.
4 To make scientific contributions by means of conducting a study or improving an existing one that can be considered as remarkable among peers or to conduct an original research that can extend the frontiers of science
5 To have in-depth knowledge in different research methods and process in management and organization
6 To develop competency in communication of the acquired knowledge in the field of management and organization with the peers, broader scientific communities and the society.
7 To be able to interpret and publicize technological, social and cultural changes and developments in the context of information society.
8 To be able to interpret the theoretical discussions within the field of management and organization
9 To define the management and organization based regional and global subjects/problems, and to be able to develop solution proposals based on research and evidence.
10 To be able to define the differences and relationships between classical and contemporary theories of management and organization strategies, and assess them
11 To acquire social, scientific and ethical values
12 To put innovation and innovative working principles into practice

Key Programme Learning Outcomes - NQF for HE in Turkey

Key Learning Outcomes
COMPETENCES ( Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility )
COMPETENCES ( Learning Competence )
COMPETENCES ( Communication and Social Competence )
COMPETENCES ( Field Specific Competence )

Course Structure Diagram with Credits (60 ECTS per Full-Time Academic Year)

T : Theoretical P: Practice L: Laboratory
1. Semester
Course Unit Code Language of Instruction Course Unit Title Type of Course Unit T P L Number of ECTS Credits Report
9204116012018 Turkish Scıentıfıc Research Methods and Ethıcs Compulsory 3 - - 6
İŞLT-Yönt.Org.SDG1 Turkish İşletme Yönetım ve Organızasyon Doktora SDG1 Elective - - - 6
Total 3 0 0 12
2. Semester
Course Unit Code Language of Instruction Course Unit Title Type of Course Unit T P L Number of ECTS Credits Report
92SE181262022 Turkish Semınar Studıes Compulsory - - - 6
İŞLT-Yönt.Org.SDG2 Turkish İşletme Yönetım ve Organızasyon Doktora SDG2 Elective - - - 20
Total 0 0 0 26
3. Semester
Course Unit Code Language of Instruction Course Unit Title Type of Course Unit T P L Number of ECTS Credits Report
DRUAD691 Turkish Specıalızatıon Fıeld Compulsory - - - 5
SOSDRYET790 Turkish Profıcıency ın PhD Compulsory - - - 25
Total 0 0 0 30
4. Semester
Course Unit Code Language of Instruction Course Unit Title Type of Course Unit T P L Number of ECTS Credits Report
DRUAD691 Turkish Specıalızatıon Fıeld Compulsory - - - 5
SOSDRTEZONE Turkish Thesıs Proposal Compulsory - - - 25
Total 0 0 0 30
5. Semester
Course Unit Code Language of Instruction Course Unit Title Type of Course Unit T P L Number of ECTS Credits Report
DRTEZ692 Turkish Thesıs Study Compulsory - - - 25
DRUAD691 Turkish Specıalızatıon Fıeld Compulsory - - - 5
Total 0 0 0 30
6. Semester
Course Unit Code Language of Instruction Course Unit Title Type of Course Unit T P L Number of ECTS Credits Report
DRTEZ692 Turkish Thesıs Study Compulsory - - - 25
DRUAD691 Turkish Specıalızatıon Fıeld Compulsory - - - 5
Total 0 0 0 30
7. Semester
Course Unit Code Language of Instruction Course Unit Title Type of Course Unit T P L Number of ECTS Credits Report
DRTEZ692 Turkish Thesıs Study Compulsory - - - 25
DRUAD691 Turkish Specıalızatıon Fıeld Compulsory - - - 5
Total 0 0 0 30
8. Semester
Course Unit Code Language of Instruction Course Unit Title Type of Course Unit T P L Number of ECTS Credits Report
DRTEZ692 Turkish Thesıs Study Compulsory - - - 25
DRUAD691 Turkish Specıalızatıon Fıeld Compulsory - - - 5
Total 0 0 0 30
İŞLT-Yönt.Org.SDG1 - İşletme Yönetim ve Organizasyon Doktora SDG1
Course Unit Code Language of Instruction Course Unit Title Type of Course Unit T P L Number of ECTS Credits Report
9204116032020 Turkish Advanced Organızatıonal Behavıor Elective 3 - - 6
9204116052018 Turkish Phılosophıcal Foundatıons of Management Elective 3 - - 6
9204116072021 Turkish current Issues ın Strategıc Management Elective 3 - - 6
9204116132018 Turkish Multıcultural Management Studıes Elective 3 - - 6
9204116152018 Turkish Organızatıonal Communıcatıon Elective 3 - - 6
9204116172021 Turkish New Approaches ın Human Resources Management Elective 3 - - 6
9204116182019 Turkish Socıal Psychology Elective 3 - - 6
9204116192018 Turkish Hıstory of Management Elective 3 - - 6
İŞLT-Yönt.Org.SDG2 - İşletme Yönetim ve Organizasyon Doktora SDG2
Course Unit Code Language of Instruction Course Unit Title Type of Course Unit T P L Number of ECTS Credits Report
9204046082019 Turkish Organızatıonal and Managerıal Behavıor Approaches Elective 3 - - 6
9204046142019 Turkish Advance Readıngs ın Management and Organızatıonal Studıes Elective 3 - - 6
9204046372017 Turkish Dıversıty Management ın Organızatıons Elective 3 - - 6
9204116002020 Turkish Advanced Organızatıon Theory Elective 3 - - 6
9204116022018 Turkish Change Management Elective 3 - - 6
9204116042018 Turkish Crıtıcal Management Studıes Elective 3 - - 5
9204116062021 Turkish The Nature of Leadershıp and the Evolutıon of Leadershıp Theorıes Elective 3 - - 5
9204116082018 Turkish Gender and Management Elective 3 - - 6
9204116102018 Turkish Psychodynamıcs of Organızatıons and Organız Elective 3 - - 6
9204116122018 Turkish Employer Brand and Commıtment Managemen Elective 3 - - 6
9204116142018 Turkish Innovatıon Management Elective 3 - - 6
9204116162018 Turkish Sustaınabılıty Management Elective 3 - - 6
9204116202018 Turkish Publıc Relatıons ın Organızatıons Elective 3 - - 6
9204116222018 Turkish Strategıc Talent Management Elective 3 - - 6
9204116242021 Turkish New Socıal Movements and Global Organızatıons Elective 3 - - 5
9204116262018 Turkish Qualıtatıve Methods ın Management Studıes Elective 3 - - 6
9204116282018 Turkish Quantıtatıve Methods ın Management Studıes Elective 3 - - 6
EBB6832017 Turkish Plannıng and Assesment ın Educatıon Elective 3 2 - 6
EBB6852017 Turkish Development and Learnıng Elective 3 - - 4