2 Year, 4 Semesters
120 ECTS
The applicants who hold a Bachelor's Degree and willing to enroll in the Master's programme may apply to the Directorate of the Graduate School with the documents: 1-Sufficient score (at least 55 out of 100) from the Academic Staff and Graduate Study Education Exam (ALES) conducted by Student Selection and Placement Center (OSYM) or GRE Graduate Record Examination (GRE) score or Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) score equivalent to ALES score of 55. 2-English proficiency (at least 70 out of 100 from the Profiency Exam conducted by Ege University Foreign Language Department, or at least 50 out of 100 from ÜDS (University Language Examination conducted by OSYM) or TOEFL or IELTS score equivalent to UDS score of 50. The candidates fulfilling the criteria outlined above are invited to interwiev. The assessment for admission to masters programs is based on : 50% of ALES, 25% of academic success in the undergraduate programme (cumulative grade point average (CGPA) ) and 25% of interview grade. The required minimum interview grade is 50 out of 100. The candidates having an assessed score of 60 at least are accepted into the Master's programme. The results of the evaluation are announced by the Directorate of Graduate School.
The rules for recognition of formal prior learning are well defined. A student who is currently enrolled in a Master's Degree programme in the same discipline at another institution and has successfully completed at least one semester, upon submitting all required documents before the deadline, may transfer to the Master's Programme at EGE University upon the recommendation of the department administration and with the approval of the Administrative Committee of the Graduate School. The decision taken will also include eligibility for exemption from some course requirements of the graduate program. Students who transfer from another university must be successful in the EGE University English Proficiency Exam or in an equivalent English examination. Recognition of prior non-formal and in-formal learning is at the beginning stage in Turkish Higher Education Institutions. Ege University is not an exception to this.
The programme consists of a minimum of seven courses delivered within the graduate programme of the department and in related fields, one seminar course, and thesis, with a minimum of 21 local credits. The seminar course and thesis are non-credit and graded on a pass/fail basis. The duration of the programme is four semesters. The maximum period to complete course work in a masters program with thesis is 4 semesters. However, with the approval of their advisors, students can in subsequent semesters take additional departmental courses with or without credits. The total ECTS credits of the programme is 120 ECTS. A student may take undergraduate courses on the condition that the courses have not been taken during the undergraduate program. However, at most two of these courses may be counted to the Master's course load and credits. Students must register for thesis work and the Specialization Field course offered by his supervisor every semester following the semester, in which the supervisor is appointed. A student who has completed work on the thesis within the time period, must write a thesis, using the data collected, according to the specifications of the Graduate School Thesis Writing Guide. The thesis must be defended in front of a jury. The Master's thesis jury is appointed on the recommendations of the relevant Department Chairperson and with the approval of the Administrative Committee of the Graduate School. The jury is composed of the thesis supervisor and 3 to 5 faculty members. Of the appointed jury members, up to one may be selected from another Department or another University. In case the jury consists of 3 members, the co-supervisor cannot be the jury member. A majority vote by the jury members determines the outcome of the thesis or examination. The vote can be for "acceptance", "rejection" or "correction". The Department Chairperson will inform the Director of the Graduate School, in writing, of the jury's decision within 3 days. To correct or change a thesis found incomplete and/or inadequate by the jury, the jury must specify in its report that such corrections are necessary. A student may be given, by a decision of the Administrative Committee of the Graduate School, up to three months to complete the corrections. The student must then retake the thesis examination.
Graduates who successfully completed the Master's Degree may apply to doctorate (third cycle) programmes in the same or in related disciplines.
Graduation requirements are explained in the section “Qualification Requirements and Regulations” .
Full Time
1 | To be able to conduct research in the chosen field, to create experimental designs, to carry out the experiments their designed, to collect and analyze data, to interpret the results and to develop research based on solution offers. |
2 | Ability to contact with verbal and written communication at least one foreign language, gaining knowledge and skills to use foreign publications in their studies or homework |
3 | To have the ability to work interdisciplinary and to adapt the theories, methods and applications in different fields to the related scope. |
4 | Necessity of lifelong learning and being able to realize it |
5 | To be conscious complying with social sensitivity and ethical values |
6 | Ability to define problems related to the field of information technologies and ability for analyzing, modelling and managing the components of hardware and software. |
7 | Having expertise knowledge in computer science. |
1. Semester | ||||||||
Course Unit Code | Language of Instruction | Course Unit Title | Type of Course Unit | T | P | L | Number of ECTS Credits | Report |
9105055071998 | Turkish | Advanced Computer Networks I | Compulsory | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
FENETKCOK2021 | Turkish | Scıentıfıc Research Methods wıth Research and Publıcatıon Ethıcs | Compulsory | 2 | - | - | 4 | |
FENORYT2023 | Turkish | Graduate Programmes Process Management | Compulsory | - | - | - | 2 | |
UBİ-SG-YL-G | Turkish | ELECTIVE COURSES 1 | Elective | - | - | - | 14 | |
Total | 5 | 0 | 0 | 28 | ||||
2. Semester | ||||||||
Course Unit Code | Language of Instruction | Course Unit Title | Type of Course Unit | T | P | L | Number of ECTS Credits | Report |
9105055342007 | Turkish | Advanced Algorıthmıc Technıques | Compulsory | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
FENYLSEM | Turkish | Semınar | Compulsory | - | - | - | 6 | |
UBİ-SG-YL-B | Turkish | ELECTIVE COURSES 2 | Elective | - | - | - | 16 | |
Total | 3 | 0 | 0 | 30 | ||||
3. Semester | ||||||||
Course Unit Code | Language of Instruction | Course Unit Title | Type of Course Unit | T | P | L | Number of ECTS Credits | Report |
YLTEZ591 | Turkish | Thesıs Study | Compulsory | - | - | - | 26 | |
YLUAD591 | Turkish | Specıalızatıon Fıeld | Compulsory | - | - | - | 4 | |
Total | 0 | 0 | 0 | 30 | ||||
4. Semester | ||||||||
Course Unit Code | Language of Instruction | Course Unit Title | Type of Course Unit | T | P | L | Number of ECTS Credits | Report |
YLTEZ592 | Turkish | Thesıs Study | Compulsory | - | - | - | 26 | |
YLUAD591 | Turkish | Specıalızatıon Fıeld | Compulsory | - | - | - | 4 | |
Total | 0 | 0 | 0 | 30 | ||||
Course Unit Code | Language of Instruction | Course Unit Title | Type of Course Unit | T | P | L | Number of ECTS Credits | Report |
9105055011998 | Turkish | Dıscrete Structures for Computer Scıence | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
9105055032009 | Turkish | Data Structures and Algorıthms | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
9105055052019 | Turkish | Computer Archıtecture | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
9105055171998 | Turkish | Expert Systems | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
9105055232019 | Turkish | Crypto-Systems and Cryptographıc Protocols | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
9105055252007 | Turkish | Object Orıented Programmıng | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
9105055392024 | Turkish | Computıng Theory | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
9105055432010 | Turkish | Secure Web Desıgn | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
9105055452012 | Turkish | Dıstrıbuted Algorıthms | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
9105055472012 | Turkish | Network Programmıng | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
9105055512014 | Turkish | Mobıle Programmıng | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
9105055532016 | Turkish | Game Theory | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
9105055632017 | Turkish | Computer Language Engıneerıng | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
Course Unit Code | Language of Instruction | Course Unit Title | Type of Course Unit | T | P | L | Number of ECTS Credits | Report |
9105055021998 | Turkish | Database Management Systems | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
9105055041998 | Turkish | Programmıng Languages | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
9105055061998 | Turkish | Operatıng Systems | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
9105055082008 | Turkish | Informatıon Systems | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
9105055162000 | Turkish | Advanced Computer Graphıcs | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
9105055201998 | Turkish | Parallel Programmıng | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
9105055222019 | Turkish | Machıne Learnıng | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
9105055281998 | Turkish | Network Securıty | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
9105055301998 | Turkish | Advanced Computer Networks II | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
9105055422009 | Turkish | Servıce-orıented Computıng | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
9105055462013 | Turkish | Search Engınes | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
9105055562017 | Turkish | Advanced Topıcs ın Modern Software Engıneerıng | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 | |
9105055582017 | Turkish | Internet of Thıngs | Elective | 3 | - | - | 8 |