Second Cycle Programmes (Master's Degree)

Graduate School of Social Sciences - Economics - Economics and Finance - İkinci Öğretim Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans Programı

General Description

Financial economy without thesis Master programme is presented as a part of Ege University Graduate School of Social Sciences Economics Major.

The Master’s Degree in financial economy is awarded to the graduates who have successfully fulfilled all programme requirements.

1 Year, 2 Semesters



Second Cycle

Admissions are explained in the regulations of Ege University Graduate Education in detail at

The rules regarding the recognition of prior learninig is explained under the title Recognition Of Prior Learning in Ege University information package. The rules are also available in the regulation of Ege University Graduate Education at

The aim of the master programme is to gain the required information about vocational subject and to show how to use them in application. Master programme can be also opened as first-second education, e-learning or mixed programme and conducted in accordance with the related regulations. This programme consists of 90 ECTS credits, with at least 30 comes from local credits 10 credits comes from course and term project . Term project is evaluated as succesfull or unsuccesfull. Strudent should enrol the term project and present a written report at the end of the semester. Qualification exam can be held at the end of programme in accordance with the rules by suggestion of board of institute and the approval of senate. The sufficent conditions for graduation are the succesfull completion of all courses taken and having a graduation degree with 2 out of 4.

The aim of the programme is to provide students flexible thought structure, sufficiency in the field and to adopt global competitive conditions.

Graduates of the Financial Economy without thesis are trained to be able to take up suitable positions at the private sector, the public sector, international institutions and also international markets.

According to temprorary article 3 of Graduate Education Regulation published in Official Newspaper with number 22683on 1/7/1996, the students enrolled nonthesis master programs before 6/2/2013 can applied to doctorate and thesis master programs with the sames rights. The rules regarding the admissions of the applicants before 6/2/2013 are deterimined by the board of institute with the suggestion of major board. The graduates after this date do not have right for application after that time.

The assessment and grading of a course is based on midterm exam and semestre activities (if there is) and a final exam and a make up exam (if there is). The instructor of the course determines the contributions of semestre activities and final exam as a percantage to the grade before registration week and registration to the course and announces to the students in the first week of the courses. The percentage contribution of semestre activities is between 40-70 % range, the contribution of the final exam and make up exam (if there is any) is between 60-30 % range. Click for EGE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION REGULATIONS:

Graduation requirements are explained in the section “Qualification Requirements and Regulations” .

Full Time

Program Chair: Assoc. Prof. Mehmet GüçlüContact Address: Ege University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Ege University Campus, 35100 Bornova IZMIR

Students in the department can participate to all kinds of social, cultural and sport activities presented by the Rectorate of Ege University and club activities. The information related to these facilities are presented in the General Information for Students in Ege Information Package ( Additionally, by participating the various symposiums and conferences held at the faculty, students have the opportunity to enhance their knowledge on the recent developments, both applied and theoretical.

Key Learning Outcomes

1 Define Financial Concepts theories and methods
2 Explain the roles of financial actors in economy
3 Present policy proposal for financial problems
4 Apply mathematical, statistical and econometric analysis tools on financial problems
5 Follow and interpret national and international economic and financial indicators. Define the role of central bank in the economy.
6 Define the role of the Central Bank in the economy.
7 Define banking applications
8 Apply economic analysis methods on banking problems
9 Analyze a defined financial event by using required tools
10 Prepare a project, acting independently, taking initiative and creativity
11 Communicate oral and verbal, solving problem, using information technologies
12 Engage disciplinary and inter disciplianary team work
13 Obtain helpful information for future employment possibilities and working enviroment
14 Being a rational individual who has vocational ethics and responsibilities and to have science as a guide

Key Programme Learning Outcomes - NQF for HE in Turkey

Key Learning Outcomes
COMPETENCES ( Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility )
COMPETENCES ( Learning Competence )
COMPETENCES ( Communication and Social Competence )
COMPETENCES ( Field Specific Competence )

Course Structure Diagram with Credits (60 ECTS per Full-Time Academic Year)

T : Theoretical P: Practice L: Laboratory
1. Semester
Course Unit Code Language of Instruction Course Unit Title Type of Course Unit T P L Number of ECTS Credits Report
9204067052015 Turkish Economıcs Compulsory 3 - - 6
920406SDG1 Turkish İKTİSAT FİNANSAL EKONOMİ SDG1 Elective 3 - - -
Total 6 0 0 6
2. Semester
Course Unit Code Language of Instruction Course Unit Title Type of Course Unit T P L Number of ECTS Credits Report
9204067022019 Turkish Monetary Economıcs Compulsory 3 - - 4
9204067442022 Turkish Methods of Scıentıfıc Research and Publıcatıon Ethıcs Compulsory 3 - - 4
İKT.PBNK.İ.Ö.2016-2 Turkish İKTİSAT İ.Ö. TEZSİZYL. SEÇ. DERS GRUBU-2 (2016) Elective - - - -
SOS.BİL.DP.YL Turkish Term Project Compulsory - - - 10
Total 6 0 0 18
Course Unit Code Language of Instruction Course Unit Title Type of Course Unit T P L Number of ECTS Credits Report
9204037052015 Turkish Fınancıal Accountıng Elective 3 - - 6
9204067092016 Turkish Fınancıal Econometrıcs Elective 3 - - 6
9204067122016 Turkish Analysıs of Economıc Indıcators Elective 3 - - 6
9204067232015 Turkish Fınancıal Instıtutıons and Markets Elective 3 - - 6
9204067252015 Turkish Insurance Elective 3 - - 6
9204067272015 Turkish Behavıoral Fınance Elective 3 - - 6
9204067292015 Turkish New Trade Theory Elective 3 - - 6
9204067312015 Turkish Theory of Internatıonal Economıcs Elective 3 - - 6
9204067352016 Turkish Fınancıal Rısk Analysıs Elective 3 - - 6
9204067372016 Turkish Turkısh Economy Elective 3 - - 6
9204097312016 Turkish Bankıng Elective 3 - - 6
Course Unit Code Language of Instruction Course Unit Title Type of Course Unit T P L Number of ECTS Credits Report
9204067042016 Turkish Fınancıal Instıtutıons and Markets Elective 3 - - 4
9204067062016 Turkish Bankıng Applıcatıons Elective 3 - - 4
9204067082016 Turkish Portfolıo Management Elective 3 - - 4
9204067102016 Turkish Fınancıal Statements Analysıs Elective 3 - - 4
9204067142016 Turkish Game Theory Elective 3 - - 4
9204067162016 Turkish Fınancıal Mathematıcs Elective 3 - - 4
9204067332016 Turkish Derıvatıve Markets Elective 3 - - 4
9204067392016 Turkish Current Events ın Global Economy Elective 3 - - 4
9204067402016 Turkish Methods of Scıentıfıc Research and Publıcatıon Ethıcs Elective 3 - - 4
9204067412016 Turkish Foreıgn Trade Operatıons and Fınancıng Elective 3 - - 4
9204067432016 Turkish Assets and Lıabılıtıes Management ın Banks Elective 3 - - 4
9204067452016 Turkish Internatıonal Economıc Instıtutıons Elective 3 - - 4
9204067472016 Turkish Economıc Polıcy Elective 3 - - 4